Radio-Frequency (RF) Facelift

What is Radio Frequency (R.F) Skin Tightening?
Radio-Frequency (RF) technology is a non-ablative aesthetics service that is used to provide skin contraction within the dermis of the skin. This RF energy will stimulate the formation of new collagen and improve skin elasticity for a smoother, tighter and more toned appearance. The RF power flows uniformly between the electrodes for a comfortable experience.
How does it work?
Electromagnetic radiation below the range of 300GHz pierces the skin, effectively heating the dermis to approximately 40 degrees. The dermis is the skin layer below the epidermis. The heat gradually modifies the collagen fibres, causing them to contract and condense (see research). Additional collagen synthesis occurs due to the healing process of the skin, induced by the heat. This eventually results in tighter and healthier looking skin.
Are there any side affects?
Radio frequency is completely safe, with earlier types of RF technology either penetrating too deeply or overheating. Conversely, our technology causes no side-effects, other than a little temporary soreness.
How long will it take me to recover?
The treatment method is 100% non-invasive; this means no scalpels, needles, anesthetic or sedation. With no restrictions or limitations imposed, clients are free to resume their lives immediately after the treatment.
How many sessions will I need?
The length of procedures varies depending on the targeted area and the number of areas treated. We recommend up to six sessions. Your Practitioner will give you realistic expectations, and help you to achieve the best results you can by advising you on which course of treatments is ideal for your circumstances.
Who is an ideal candidate?
An ideal candidate is anyone who feels they can benefit from tighter, healthier looking skin. All skin types are suitable.
Is there an age limit?
Patients must be older than 18.
What happens during the treatment?
Each session will begin with cleansing to remove any makeup or oils which could interfere with the treatment. A practitioner will then apply cooling gel to the target area for a few moments before the treatment begins. During the treatment, your temperature will be monitored to ensure the skin surface remains at 40 degrees. Throughout the session, you can listen to music or shut your eyes and relax.
What areas can I have treated?
Radio frequency is used on any part of the body where skin is loose, sagging or showing signs of wrinkles, including the face and neck.
How often should I get this procedure?
A series of 6 to 8 treatment sessions are needed for desired results. Touch-ups can be done as often as the client desires. For clients, under 50 years of age, a touch-up is recommended every 6 months. For clients, over 50 years of age a touch-up is recommended every 3 months. We recommend having a Classic Facial which (facial cleansing) first and then consulting with your Practitioner as to the right treatments for you to consider before booking online.
Don't exfoliate nor shave before treatment and at least 6 hours after the treatment.
Don't use hot baths, steam rooms and massage for 24 hrs after treatment..
Do not wax the treated area for 3-5 days.
Do not laser the treated area for 2 weeks.
Avoid strenuous exercise for 24 hours.
Don't apply beta hydroxy acid (BHA), vitamin C, salicylic acid, hyaluronic acid for at least 5-6 hours after the treatment
Refrain from tanning or prolonged sun exposure for two weeks after the procedure.
Hydrate well for seven days following the procedure
Apply a SPF to the treatment area for up to two weeks to avoid incidental sun exposure
Apply a mineral makeup to avoid sun exposure as much as possible
Wear a mask or hat (during summer).

Unit 202, 2515 Burrard Street, Vancouver
Text/Whatsapp: 604-376-9131